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Physical Therapy
By Dr. Adrian Lorenzo PT, DPT, CSCS Avoid the Effects of Poor Posture on the Body Cervical postural syndrome or “Poor” posture is defined as when our spine is positioned in unnatural positions, in which the curves are emphasized and this results in the joints, muscles, and vertebrae being in stressful positions. Even hands and...
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By Dr. Frank J. Scerbo, PT, DPT, CSCS // What is Cardiac Rehabilitation? Cardiac rehab is a medically supervised program designed to improve your cardiovascular health if you have experienced a heart attack, heart failure, angioplasty or heart surgery. The main goal of any cardiac rehabilitation program is to lower the likelihood of future heart...
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By Dr. Michael E. Pomykala, PT, DPT, CSCS // Here in Edgewater as well as other parts of New Jersey, we’ve had our first winter snowfall. For all the sometime beauty of snow and ice, activities like shoveling, winter sports, and falls can result in injury. This winter, we want you to know that if...
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By Dr. Michael E. Pomykala // How do our bodies get injured? Let me count the ways! But with the right knowledge and tactics, many injuries are preventable. That’s why I’m writing today with some tips to help you reduce your risk of injury, and to share important news about our Biodex Balance System SD....
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October is National Physical Therapy Month!  By Dr. Frank J. Scerbo, PT, DPT, CSCS // This month, we are celebrating the strides that physical therapy has made in the treatment of disabling musculoskeletal conditions. At Scerbo Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, we are always learning and expanding our services, to provide you with the latest treatment advances...
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By Dr. Frank J. Scerbo, PT, DPT, CSCS Have you recently undergone a total joint replacement, or is there one in your future? If so, keep in mind that postoperative rehabilitation is of the utmost importance.  Here at Scerbo Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation, we are committed to helping you reach the goal of pain-free...
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See us when you tee up! Dr. Michael E. Pomykala PT, DPT, CSCS There’s no better way to celebrate National Golf Month than to play golf, so head out to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls at 21 Golf or Bogota Golf Center. If it’s too hot outside, you can play at...
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By Dr. Frank Scerbo, PT, DPT, MS, CSCS It seems hard to believe we are already in the middle of July! We hope you’re enjoying the chance to get outdoors and enjoy warm-weather recreational and sports opportunities. Higher levels of physical activity, however, bring a higher risk of injury. While we hope that nothing happens...
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Understanding Pre and Post-Orthopedic Surgery Rehabilitation By Dr. Frank J. Scerbo, PT, DPT, CSCS One of the many important things I’ve learned during my years as a doctor of physical therapy is this: the road to recovery shouldn’t wait until after surgery! That’s why here at Scerbo Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation we’ve designed a...
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By Dr. Michael E. Pomykala, PT, DPT, CSCS Spring’s invitation to “Play Ball!” may be music to the athlete’s ears, but the pain of common shoulder injuries can take the spring out of any sports activity. If you are an athlete involved in throwing or other repetitive overhand motions in sports such as baseball, volleyball,...
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