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Direct Access

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Direct Access to Physical Therapy Leads to Faster Healing

Did you know that through Direct Access, you are able to see a physical therapist without a prescription in the state of New Jersey?

Since 2003, under the Public Laws of New Jersey, in most cases, a referral will not be required to start your Physical Therapy care.

Direct Access, which is also known as self-referral, gives patients the ability to be evaluated and treated by a physical therapist of their choice without the need for a referral or prescription from a doctor.

No Referral or Prescription Needed

Now you can have your injuries evaluated and treated immediately by our New Jersey licensed Physical Therapist.

Physical therapists within the state of New Jersey are now recognized as a top choice when it comes to choosing a healthcare professional to manage musculoskeletal and movement disorders in all patient populations.

Net Promoter Score
Orthopedics Cases
Post-Surgery Rehab
Sports Treatments

How it works

Our New Jersey licensed physical therapists can treat that acute or chronic shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, neck, back, hip, knee, ankle, or foot injury right now! Under Direct Access, we have the authorization to treat you for up to 30 days. Upon completion of your Physical Therapy Evaluation, we will determine your Treatment Plan. If further diagnostic tools are needed to ensure proper care, your physical therapist will communicate our findings with the physician of your choice. If treatment is required past 30 days, the physical therapist will communicate our care to your physician.

Any person in New Jersey is eligible to be seen directly by a physical therapist and most commercial insurance companies will cover these charges.

In most cases, Medicare patients may receive physical therapy services without seeing a physician or obtaining a referral first. However, once a therapist determines that therapy is necessary, then at that point the patient must be under the care of a physician or non-physician practitioner (NPP).

Worker’s Comp / No fault and MVA’s are not covered.

Why it Matters

Direct Access Physical Therapy offers many benefits to patient

Studies conclude that accessing physical therapy treatment without a physician’s referral is safe, cost-effective, and provides faster delivery of health services. Studies also support physical therapists’ ability to accurately diagnose musculoskeletal problems as well as systemic illness based on a patient’s clinical presentation and past medical history. Benefits of Direct Access Physical Therapy:

  • Ability to receive treatment quickly.
  • It’s more cost-effective.
  • Faster relief and quicker results.
  • Higher satisfaction scores from patients.
  • Safer pain management method that reduces risks of opioids.
Your Goal. Our Mission.
To start your recovery click the Contact Us button to book your appointment today!

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