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National Golf Month
Dr. Michael E. Pomykala PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS /// As bipedal animals, our spines have to do a lot of work to keep us upright and moving. As a result, we may experience neck and back pain from almost any activity, from playing sports to cleaning the house to sitting at a computer. At Scerbo...
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By Dr. Michael E. Pomykala // This August celebrates National Golf Month and what better way to celebrate than with a day of golfing at one of our Northern Jersey golf courses and driving ranges. This year National Golf Month may look a bit different due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Social distancing and increased sanitation...
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See us when you tee up! Dr. Michael E. Pomykala PT, DPT, CSCS There’s no better way to celebrate National Golf Month than to play golf, so head out to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls at 21 Golf or Bogota Golf Center. If it’s too hot outside, you can play at...
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A TPI-certified PT’s tips for staying injury-free as you try out New Jersey’s hottest golf spots By Dr. Michael E. Polykama, TPI-Certified PT, DPT August is National Golf Month, when tempting summer discounts invite many new golfers off the sidelines and onto the green for the first time. I’m a big fan of this tradition,...
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