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Stay In the Swing – Keep on top of golfer’s neck pain

Scerbo Physical Therapy > Blog > Stay In the Swing – Keep on top of golfer’s neck pain

Dr. Michael E. Pomykala PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS ///

As bipedal animals, our spines have to do a lot of work to keep us upright and moving. As a result, we may experience neck and back pain from almost any activity, from playing sports to cleaning the house to sitting at a computer. At Scerbo PT, we specialize in the prevention and treatment of back and neck pain, whenever and however it happens. But since August is National Golf Month, let’s focus on neck (cervical) pain that often plagues golfers and can affect their game.

The cervical spine consists of 7 vertebrae that begin at the base of your skull and extend down to your first rib. This area is important in both everyday life and the golf swing. Here are some common neck conditions affecting golfers:

Disc Herniation
A herniated disc, sometimes called a “slipped disc,” can cause neck pain that may radiate into the arms and hands. This condition may affect grip strength or the ability of the muscles of the shoulder blade and arm to function properly.

Muscle Strain or Spasm
Muscle spasms or strains of the neck and upper back may be caused by poor form during the swing or by not warming up properly. Most commonly, they are caused by poor posture, which results in abnormal swing patterns. Symptoms may include pain and stiffness from the base of the neck to the top of the shoulder blade and, at times, radiating pain between the shoulder blades.

Facet Arthropathy
Facet arthropathy, a type of degenerative “wear-and-tear” arthritis, develops in the neck when the joints between two or more vertebrae in the neck become misaligned. This can cause localized neck pain or pain that radiates into the arm.

Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis occurs when there is a narrowing of the space around the spinal cord or the space around the openings where the nerves exit the vertebrae in the neck. This can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves and cause radiating pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms.

The majority of neck pain episodes do not require surgery and respond best to physical therapy. At Scerbo Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation, Dr. Michael Pomykala is a Titleist Performance Institute Certified Golf Fitness Instructor who holds TPI Medical Level 2 Certification as a medical provider within the Titleist Performance Institute network (see https://scerbopt.com/titleist-performance-institute-certified/ )

Call us today for a specialized screening and treatment plan and don’t let neck pain limit your game and your life.

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