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Traveling this summer? Come Home Safe!

Scerbo Physical Therapy > Blog > Traveling this summer? Come Home Safe!

By Frank J. Scerbo, PT, DPT, CSCS //

A summer getaway can be an opportunity to explore exciting new places and outdoor activities. Vacations are meant to be different from the normal day-to-day routine, but this also means that there are likely to be different demands and stresses made on our muscles and joints. We’d like to discuss a few tips for avoiding some common travel injuries that can potentially spoil your vacation fun.


Pack Light; Lift Ergonomically

It’s helpful to minimize the weight that you have to lift when carrying luggage, and to use a cart when walking with luggage. When lifting, carry the bags as close to your body as possible. Lift with your legs rather than your back and avoid twisting movements.

Posture Counts

If you’ll be sitting in your car or on an airplane for long periods, pay attention to your posture. Sit up straight, lift your chest, relax your shoulders, and keep your chin level.  Adjust your seat to support your back and use a back support if necessary.

Give Your Body a Break.
When driving, make frequent stops to get out of your car and stretch your legs and back. If you’re on an airplane, especially during a long flight, get out of your seat often and walk up and down the aisle.
While seated on an airplane, pump your ankles up and down to keep blood flowing in your legs.


So much you want to do, but so little time – the vacation temptation is to jump into a higher and different activity level than you are used to. The key to avoiding injury is to know your limits and listen to what your body is telling you. Some common sense measures will help, such as:

  • Plan ahead and prepare for new physical challenges, like boating, kayaking, bicycling, hiking, riding jet skis, horseback riding, and recreational sports – if you plan to engage in a new or unaccustomed activity, contact Scerbo PT ahead of time for help in getting your body prepared. (See also https://scerbopt.com/help-center/balance-assessment-and-conditioning/)
  • Know your limitations, whether they are physical conditioning, balance issues, or any limiting medical conditions that may have an impact on your safety while enjoying your travels. We can help you adjust your itinerary with those things in mind.
  • Wear appropriate footwear for the activities you expect to do, including hikes, walking around town, and standing for long periods.
  • If you’re going somewhere warm, remember to take rest breaks, seek shade, drink enough fluids, and wear protective clothing and sunscreen.

We wish you a thoroughly enjoyable and safe vacation break, but if at any time you think you may have an injury – or need advice on ways to avoid one – remember that you can make a Telehealth appointment with Scerbo PT even while traveling. To book your virtual appointment visit our WebPT Physical Therapy Telehealth page or call us at (201) 941-2240

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