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Sports Rehabilitation
Man doing cable machine lateral raises extension exercises at a gym.
Optimizing Your Potential Through Customized Rehabilitation & Performance Training By Dr. Adrian Lorenzo, PT, DPT /// Athletes push their bodies to the limit in pursuit of excellence, but with high performance comes an inherent risk of injury. When setbacks occur, a structured, personalized rehabilitation process is critical for a safe and efficient return to sport....
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Women's field hockey players in action running after the ball
Fall Sports Injury Prevention and Effective Rehabilitation Treatments for Athletes By Dr. Kyle McDonough, PT, DPT /// Fall is an exciting season for athletes and sports enthusiasts alike. With the start of popular sports like football, soccer, cross-country, field hockey, and volleyball, there’s a renewed focus on athletic performance and competition. However, increased activity during...
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By Dr. Frankie Goris, PT, DPT, CSCS Baseball, softball, soccer, tennis – the list of Spring season sports goes on, with opportunities for kids to get fresh air and exercise, practice teamwork, and learn new skills. But because children’s bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments are still growing, they are more susceptible to injury. Young people...
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