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Pre / Post Surgery Rehab

Your recovery is our goal
Scerbo Physical Therapy > Our Services > Pre / Post Surgery Rehab

Pre-Operative Rehabilitation

Pre-hab is a vitally important component to anyone wanting to optimize their recovery following surgery. The purpose of pre-hab is to get the body as ready as possible for a challenging situation. Athletes often undergo pre-hab to help them prepare for a grueling sporting event that might cause injury to weak muscles or connective tissues.

Our program will help you improve muscle strength, reduce the effects of muscle wasting following surgery, making standing, walking, and getting out of bed or a chair much easier. It’s recommended that you take part in a specifically prescribed rehab program before surgery to increase muscle strength and reduce the chance that you will require extended inpatient rehabilitation before being discharged home after surgery. 

Our physical therapists will perform a thorough preoperative assessment to determine your physical capabilities and plan the best possible prehab program.

Patients are assessed for:

  • Balance and Coordination
  • Gait Pattern and Posture
  • Flexibility and Mobility
  • Muscular and Capacity Endurance
  • Muscle and Joint Srength
  • Range of Motion

Post-Operative Rehabilitation

After you’ve had your surgery, you are ready to start on your road to recovery and to continue the good work you started with prehab. It’s important to get moving again, to whatever degree is considered safe and beneficial, as soon as possible after your procedure. Post-surgical physical therapy offers a controlled environment for a swifter, less complicated recuperation by:

  • Helping muscles regain their strength and function as well as building muscle mass
  • Ensuring that your joints regain their pre-injury mobility and range of motion
  • Easing your post-operative discomfort naturally by boosting blood flow and encouraging fluid drainage
  • Assisting you in regaining balance after an extended period off your feet
Your Goal. Our Misison.
Click the Contact Us button to book an appointment or to inquire about our Pre-Post Operative Rehabilitation program.

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