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By Frank J. Scerbo, PT, DPT, MS, CSCS

We help you beat Lower Back Pain

Nothing is more common and discouraging at this time of year than acute and chronic lower back pain that can take the “Happy” out of your new year’s goals and plans. At Scerbo Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation, we aim to help you recover from and prevent or minimize future flare-ups of lower back pain.

Many of us resolve to begin the new year by cutting calories and stepping up our exercise regimen. However, an overly ambitious level of exercise right out of the starting gate can result in sprains and strains to the lower back. And now that winter is fully here in North Jersey, we face snow and ice removal as well as the chance of slips and falls. These seasonal challenges, added to sports and other injuries, can make both acute and chronic lower back pain a fact of daily life for many of us.

Here’s the good news: the team at Scerbo Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation can help. As a first step, we evaluate your symptoms to form a diagnosis that pinpoints the underlying cause of the pain. A common cause is a sprain or strain from damage to a muscle or ligament in the lower back.  A lower back sprain or strain can happen suddenly, or can develop slowly over time from repetitive movements.  Lifting a heavy object, sudden movements and falls, poor posture, and sports injuries are often implicated in lower back problems, especially if an uneven or twisting motion is involved.

We treat your lower back pain with a range of physical therapy modalities to help you feel better quickly. To prevent pain and injury from recurring, we create an individualized maintenance program of exercises to gradually increase strength and flexibility of the core muscles that support your back. We remind our patients that other factors for relief and prevention include maintaining a healthy weight, standing and sitting correctly, and using proper biomechanics when lifting.

At Scerbo Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation, we use our many years of clinical experience to help you get back to enjoying everything this bright new year in New Jersey has to offer. And remember, you don’t need a doctor’s referral to access physical therapy services, so give us a call today.

Dr. Scerbo is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association, American College of Sports Medicine, and the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He currently sits on the advisory board for the Hospital For Special Surgery’s Rehabilitation Network.

We are always available if you have any questions or need assistance. Call us at 201-941-2240 or visit us at www.scerbopt.com to make your appointment today.

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